26 de November de 2024

Which human resources management software to choose?

Choosing a human resources management software means making an important decision for the future of the company. Because its affinity to the needs and expectations of the organization will depend on it:

  1. The success of the strategy in personnel management, present and future.
  2. The expected ROI after the acquisition of such solution.
  3. Increasing the capabilities of the HR department.
  4. The well-being and satisfaction of the people who will use it.

Thus, selecting the right choice in personnel management software does not seem to be a trivial issue.

But what can we do about it? What do we need to do to get the right recruitment software for our company? There are certain variables that we must take into account to avoid mistakes.

How do I know which HR management system is right for my company?

When choosing HR software, several variables must be considered. Some of them are:

What needs are to be covered or what aspects need to be improved in the daily management of HR? Identifying these opportunities for improvement is necessary in order to find the most appropriate technological solution. These can range from the automation of certain tasks to greater integration between departments, an increase in productivity or a reduction in error margins.

Compatibility: HR management software must be able to integrate with the technological ecosystem already available in the company. Otherwise, it will lose efficiency in data processing and protection.

Ease of use: a human resources management system that is too complicated can make it difficult for the work team to use. Moreover, it can create serious reluctance to its adoption by the staff, thus reducing its possibilities.

Maintenance: it is important to find out the degree of technical support that the HR management tool needs to function optimally and securely. Therefore, it is always a reasonable option to opt for software that includes updates, maintenance, customer service, etc.

Scalability: the solution we choose must be able to grow with the company, with its needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Otherwise, the HR management system will be a drag on the company’s development.

New software for new ways of understanding personnel management

There are many HR and payroll software models on the market. But not so many that can be adapted to any type of company or activity. And that, in addition, perform all those functions of a modern, innovative and strategic personnel department for the company.

We refer to a human resources management system that can take on tasks such as:

  • Recruitment, selection and hiring processes.
  • Employee onboarding and offboarding phases.
  • Management of employment contracts, social insurance, etc.
  • Administrative management: payroll, vacations, mobility, etc.
  • Design, implementation and follow-up of development and career plans.
  • Development of evaluation, internal training and promotion processes.
  • Implementation and execution of benefit and flexible compensation plans.
  • Response to new regulatory frameworks on equality, inclusion, diversity, work-life balance, transparency, schedules and attendance, etc.

And all of this in companies that are committed to various work models: hybrid, remote, nomadic, etc.

In short, human resources management systems in line with the new functions of people management departments. The latter, much more integrated into the objectives of companies, the needs of new workers, and the process of digitization and innovation of the same.

The human resources management software that never fails

Of all the human resources management software systems available on the market, there is one solution capable of adapting to all these criteria: SAP SuccessFactors, with strategic responses to the new HR challenges. And not only in the daily management of professionals or in the assumption of new regulations, but also in those that have to do with the ability to attract and retain human talent.

SAP SuccessFactors is a tool designed not only to meet the needs of personnel management, but also to drive change and increase the capabilities of the department and, with them, the entire workforce. SAP SuccessFactors supports:

  1. Increased traceability of all the phases that comprise the candidate journey or the journey experience of a professional.
  2. Analytical capacity of the data handled by the company through Big Data and AI technology to improve strategic decision making.
  3. Adaptation to the regulatory framework in hundreds of countries and for all types of activity sectors.
  4. Cloud operability to increase the ability to grow and integrate future applications in order to gain greater flexibility.
  5. Ability to eliminate biases inherent to the business activity to avoid discrimination of professionals at any stage of development.

And all this through an intuitive tool that allows:

  • A great saving of time, thanks to the possibility of automating recurring tasks and minimizing the margin of error.
  • An increase in the quality of performance.
  • More capacity for anticipation thanks to the anticipation of needs.
  • Increased transparency, positive feedback and communication.

In short, a comprehensive software that allows you to manage all HR processes through advanced functions. In other words: more productivity and higher performance of the HR department.

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