Bidalnet ECHA PCN
I3S Digital Compliance Solution
Companies producing or importing materials that include substances classified as hazardous must notify the European agency within a maximum period of six months.
Regulatory standards to ECHA
Since January 2021, companies that manufacture and market products with substances considered hazardous to health are subject to a regulatory rule before the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency), which obliges them to :
- To inform about the characteristics of these substances or mixtures.
- Labeling and packaging to control risk to people and the environment
- Notification is a prerequisite for marketing the product.
ECHA has created a cloud service, in the form of a portal, web services and API, where the declaration can be made on-line and off-line, downloading the solution to a computer, after which the client can make the data entry and send to the portal when all the information is ready.

SAP Experts Bidalnet ECHA PCN
As a company knowledgeable in SAP Product Safety and Product Compliance, substance and material management solutions in both ERP and S/4HANA, i3s has developed a solution to extract the information from SAP and generate the necessary files for the notification of the PCN – ECHA’s Poison Centres Notification – PCN – Poison Centres Notificationwith a monitor that manages and reviews the status of ECHA notifications and responses.
With this we want to make it easier for companies to send this information automatically and securely.
The Poison Center Notification (PCN) format structures information on hazardous mixtures classified by health or physical hazards. Information to be submitted to the bodies designated by the member states. The format, based on XML, is defined by the requirements established in Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation.
Information to be submitted includes:
- Complete chemical composition. It allows a margin of deviation.
- Toxicological information
- Relevant product and mixture details, including intended use European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS)
- In addition to the label elements, such as the unique formula identifier (UFI).
Bidalnet ECHA PCN
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