Bidalnet TicketBAI

i3s solution to automate TicketBAI-Batuz compliance in SAP enterprises

Adaptation of SAP business management systems to the reporting requirements defined by each of the Basque Regional Governments for the control of company income and expenses.

How to adapt in a simple way and secure SAP ERP to TickelBAI-Batuz standards

How to manage TicketBAI with SAP?

With the new TicketBAI-Batuz system, companies are obliged to record all their economic operations in the electronic headquarters of the regional tax authorities, and issue their invoices with invoicing control software validated by the corresponding regional government. We are one of the companies certified by the Provincial Councils of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Its use will be mandatory as of January 1, 2022 . Our Bidalnet TicketBAI solution is oriented to support SAP companies and adapts with agility and guarantees to the provisions contemplated in the TicketBAI regulations for Gipuzkoa and Araba, and also to TicketBAI-Batuz, in the case of Bizkaia.

Regulations TicketBAI-Batuz affects all companies that carry out their economic activity in the Basque Country. It forces them to modify their billing systems and adapt them to a series of technical and operational requirements. Failure to do so may result in significant financial penalties. At i3s we have developed the solution Bidalnet TicketBAI to help companies with management systems SAP to the processing of the new TicketBAI-Batuz electronic invoicing system. In a simple and totally guaranteed way, we can adapt the SAP ERP to TicktBAI-Batuz requirements. We are one of the companies certified by the Provincial Councils of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

What is TicketBAI-Batuz?
Who is affected by TicketBAI-Batuz?

TicketBAI-Batuz is a project of the Provincial Councils of Bizkaia, Araba and Gipuzkoa, in addition to the Basque Government, which aims to establish legal and technical obligations so that, from the entry into force of TicketBAI-Batuz, all individuals and legal entities that carry out an economic activity use certified invoicing software that complies with the technical requirements of the regulations. TicketBAI-Batuz affects all persons carrying out economic activities in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, as well as legal entities, regardless of size or volume of operations.

The experience of i3s as a SAP Gold Partner and Digital Compliance has allowed us to develop Bidalnet TicketBAI, a solution certified by the Basque Tax Authorities, which allows the management of TicketBAI regulations in SAP companies in Alava and Gipuzkoa, and also the processing of TicketBAI-Batuz in the case of SAP companies in the territory of Bizkaia. Bidalnet TicketBAI meets all the technical and operational requirements contemplated in the TicketBAI-Batuz electronic invoicing system.

The Bidalnet TicketBai solution is registered and certified to be able to meet the requirements included in the TicketBAI-Batuz regulation and to process its compliance in SAP companies.

Manage TicketBAI-Batuz in SAP companies

Companies with SAP management systems must adapt their business invoicing systems to comply with the TicketBAI-Batuz system of the Basque Country’s regional tax authorities.

Processing TicketBAI-Batuz from SAP business management systems

BIDALnet TicketBAI guarantees secure and easy TBAI management for companies with SAP systems.

Generate invoices for each product or service rendered.

Send the information to the corresponding tax authorities

Electronic signature device certificate

Signature with software developer's company code

Create file adapted to TicketBAI-Batuz format

How does it work? Bidalnet TicketBAi in SAP?

Workflow for adapting
SAP management systems to TicketBAi-Batuz

The objective of the Bidalnet TicketBAI solution developed by i3s is to meet the technical requirements established in TicketBAI-Batuz and to facilitate SAP companies’ compliance with the new regulations. Our experience in SAP management environments supports us to offer a solvent and fully guaranteed support.

Bidalnet TicketBAI

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